Receding Gum Treatment

The health of your gums is an important aspect of maintaining your oral health. Sometimes, problems with the gums such as swelling, bleeding and recession may indicate a serious dental health issue that may lead to infection or even tooth loss if it is left untreated.

Swollen and Bleeding Gums

Healthy gums should not bleed during routine brushing and flossing. Swelling and bleeding in the gums could be an indicator of early-stage periodontal disease. An inflammation of the gum tissue can cause pain and discomfort. Gum inflammation can also be caused by poor nutrition, excessive tobacco use, or systemic diseases such as diabetes.

Gum Recession

Gum recession is a dental health condition when gum tissue separates from the surface of the teeth, exposing the roots. This is typically caused by advanced periodontal disease, smoking, aggressive brushing, tartar build-up and systemic diseases.

The treatment for gum inflammation or recession will depend upon how much damage has been caused. Swollen and inflamed gums caused by gingivitis can be treated with a scaling and root planing treatment, which is a deep dental cleaning performed to remove bacteria, plaque and tartar, and help the gums heal.  If your periodontal pockets have deepened, and your gum recession is caused by advanced stage periodontal disease causing teeth to loosen, you may need to undergo pocket reduction procedures to reverse the damage. Please reach out to our office to schedule a consultation!

Tips to maintain gum health

  • Always follow a good oral care routine consisting of brushing and flossing.
  • Visit our office at least once in every six months for a routine checkup and professional dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup around the gums.
  • Do not delay your dental visits if you experience any inflammation, pain, bleeding, recession or changes in your teeth or gums.
  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

For more information, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.