Same-Day CEREC Crowns

At Hayes Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer same-day CEREC crown services to our valued patients. With our state-of-the-art technology and expertise, we can provide you with a beautiful, durable, and custom-made crown in just one visit.

Differences between CEREC Crowns and Regular Crowns

CEREC crowns, also known as chairside or same-day crowns, are a revolutionary advancement in dental technology. Unlike traditional crowns that require multiple visits and temporary restorations, CEREC crowns are created and placed in a single appointment. Here’s how CEREC crowns differ from regular crowns:


Instead of waiting weeks for a dental lab to fabricate your crown, CEREC technology allows us to design, mill, and place your crown in just a few hours. This means fewer appointments, less time in the dental chair, and immediate restoration of your smile.


With CEREC crowns, there’s no need for temporary crowns or return visits for crown placement. You can walk out of our office with your permanent crown on the very same day, saving you time and inconvenience.

Precision and Aesthetics

CEREC technology uses advanced digital mapping and precise milling to create a crown that fits your tooth perfectly. The resulting crown is not only functional but also remarkably natural-looking, mimicking the appearance of your surrounding teeth.

CEREC crowns are an excellent option for addressing a variety of dental issues, including:

Severe Tooth Decay: When dental decay has compromised a significant amount of tooth structure, a CEREC crown can provide strength and protection, preventing further damage.

Fractured or Cracked Teeth: A CEREC crown can reinforce and support a fractured or cracked tooth, preventing further complications and restoring its appearance.

Large Fillings or Restorations: If you have an extensive filling or restoration, a CEREC crown can provide enhanced strength and durability, preserving your tooth’s integrity.

CEREC Crown Procedure and Aftercare

The process of getting a CEREC crown is quick, efficient, and comfortable. During your initial visit, your dentist will evaluate your dental health, discuss your treatment goals, and determine if a CEREC crown is the right solution for you.

Next, the dental team will prepare your tooth by removing any decay or old restorations and shaping it to accommodate the crown. Then we will take digital impressions of your tooth using our advanced CEREC technology. Using these digital impressions, our dental team will design your crown using precise computer-assisted technology. The design is then sent to an in-office milling machine that creates your custom crown from high-quality dental ceramic. Once the crown is ready, we will carefully bond it to your prepared tooth. Our dental professionals will ensure a proper fit, comfortable bite, and natural appearance for a seamless result.

Caring for your CEREC crown is just like caring for your natural teeth. Maintain good oral hygiene habits, including brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and scheduling regular dental check-ups. Avoid biting down on hard objects or using your teeth as tools to protect your crown from damage.

At Hayes Family Dentistry, we help patients across the Hayes area achieve a beautiful smile and great oral health. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and elevate your smile with our same-day CEREC crown services. Let Hayes Family Dentistry help you achieve a strong, beautiful smile that you can showcase with confidence.